Dear all,
I was trying very hard to finish my power point presentation for my upcoming conference and yet I failed to do so. After spending days trying to finish my workload and personal errands, I have to admit, I am now running out of passion to finish this last piece of work.
I needed inspiration...
Or perhaps I have already started missing you guys hehehe :-)
Suddenly I remembered my blog which I have personally dedicated to all of you.
And so, tonight I shall send in an entry before my departure day.
Here it goes.
I want you to know that I totally
understand your plight.
Your endless
assignments, quizzes and tests are
killing your spirits, burning your creative minds while in the pursuit of your first undergraduate degree.
I am not sure whether it is due to the type of courses that you are in (which is science based)but believe me dear.....
SEIZE THIS MOMENT .....and live every minute of it.
Surprise? Why do I say so? Because trust me, what you
are experiencing now will never come twice in your life (unless of course, you pursue your study to a higher level).
Even that wont be the same. Cause at that time, the challenge is
even greater with your commitment to your family and working life.
This is
indeed the best time of your life. In the spirit of EAP, (you know what I mean)
these are my arguments hehehehehe.
Firstly, no matter how tired you are, you can
simply doze off. You don't have to worry whether your child will later wake you up from your slumber cause he or she is thirst for milk.
Second, you don't have to deal with the
load of laundry which will then require you to iron, fold and keep them in three perhaps four separate drawers.
Third, thank God you
don't have a refrigerator to manage in order to make sure there is enough food for everyone in a family. Whether your sauce, eggs or fresh vegetables have run out, this is still non of your business.
Fourth, you wont experience moments like this. You are about to OPEN that lecture notes or reference book, when suddenly the baby will scream for attention or it is time to change a wet nappy.Hem.........what do you think? Enough arguments guys?? Any counter-argument?
Therefore, study hard and
don't grumble.
steady til the
finishing line.
Because where you ARE right now, would ONE day be, one of the
best time in your life! Cheers.